Wiele szkól, firm przylaczylo sie do akcji pomocy Adasiowi. Dobro powraca dziekujemy!!
-Szkole Podstawowej nr 1 im Stanislawa Staszica w Pile klasie I C
Aleja Powstańców Wielkopolskich 83, 64-920 Piła
-Szkoła Podstawowa nr 12 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi w Pile- w dniach 05.03-07.03.2015 odbędzie sie kiermasz charytatywny dla Adasia, dziękujemy!!
- Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Im. Pamięci Ofiar Terroryzmu 11 Wrzesnia 2001 R. w Kaliszu Pomorskim klasa - Dziekujemy klasie IIIc

-Klub Maluszka Złota Rybka, 64-920 Piła ul. Reja 8

-Szkoła Podstawowa nr 12 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi w Pile- w dniach 05.03-07.03.2015 odbędzie sie kiermasz charytatywny dla Adasia, dziękujemy!!
- Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Im. Pamięci Ofiar Terroryzmu 11 Wrzesnia 2001 R. w Kaliszu Pomorskim klasa - Dziekujemy klasie IIIc

-Klub Maluszka Złota Rybka, 64-920 Piła ul. Reja 8

-Zespół Szkół Nr 3 im. Lotników Polskich, 64-920 PIŁA, ul.Żeromskiego 41
-Salon Reserved (Galeria VIVO) ul. 14 Lutego 26, 64-920, Piła-Polska Szkola w Harold Hill, Siedziba - Drapers Academy, Romford
-Polska Szkola Sobotnia Przedmiotow Ojczystych im Wislawy Szymborskiej w Grays
Dziekujemy za piekny prezent wykonany przez uczniow Polskiej Szkoly w Grays, bioracy udzial w licytacji w czasie koncertu "Never Give up"
Dziekujemy za piekny prezent wykonany przez uczniow Polskiej Szkoly w Grays, bioracy udzial w licytacji w czasie koncertu "Never Give up"
-Polska Szkola im Krolowej Jadwigi Forest Gate-Ilford
at The Ursuline Academy Ilford
--Stifford Clays Primary School Grays,
Informacja, ktora ukazala sie w szkolnej gazetce
Informacja, ktora ukazala sie w szkolnej gazetce
Fundraising for Adam
...(..) Adam was diagnosed
with a brain stem tumour in October and his family are trying to
raise enough money for him to undergo proton therapy, which
is not available in this country. I would urge you to read
Adam’s Mum’s account of what Adam and his family have
been through; it is absolutely heart-breaking and can be
viewed at:
As a school we would like to help the family in any way that we
can. As a result the school will be holding a non-uniform day
on Friday the 23rd January in aid of Adam. There will be no
theme, children are free to wear what they like, but I would
urge you to give generously to this very worthy cause.
Many thanks - Mr Broyd
FUNDRAISING FOR ADAM As you know today we held a non-uniform day in aid of Adam Undro. Adam’s family are trying to raise enough money for him to be able to undergo proton therapy, which is currently unavailable in this country. I am pleased to tell you that we raised the fantastic sum of £950 I would like to thank you all for your generosity, but would like to especially mention our wonderful Year 6 girls. As a school, we are really proud to have such caring individuals as part of our community and I know that you as parents are too.
with a brain stem tumour in October and his family are trying to
raise enough money for him to undergo proton therapy, which
is not available in this country. I would urge you to read
Adam’s Mum’s account of what Adam and his family have
been through; it is absolutely heart-breaking and can be
viewed at:
As a school we would like to help the family in any way that we
can. As a result the school will be holding a non-uniform day
on Friday the 23rd January in aid of Adam. There will be no
theme, children are free to wear what they like, but I would
urge you to give generously to this very worthy cause.
Many thanks - Mr Broyd
FUNDRAISING FOR ADAM As you know today we held a non-uniform day in aid of Adam Undro. Adam’s family are trying to raise enough money for him to be able to undergo proton therapy, which is currently unavailable in this country. I am pleased to tell you that we raised the fantastic sum of £950 I would like to thank you all for your generosity, but would like to especially mention our wonderful Year 6 girls. As a school, we are really proud to have such caring individuals as part of our community and I know that you as parents are too.
-Dziekujemy Polskiemu Kosciolowi Chrzescijanskiemu Emmanuel
-Dziekujemy Drogerii Uroda w uk
-Dziekujemy " Produkty benedyktyńskie"
11 Listopada 6 ,Piła
-Dziekujemy ogromnemu wsparciu polskich sklepow na terenie Anglii!!
Polski Sklep Jagiello's Delikatesy Forest Hill
Polski Sklep Salisbury Grocery Grays
Sklep Ptysie w Grays
Sklep Nasza Biedronka na Cliftonville Margate
Polskie sklepy, piekarnie, restauracje, bary, kluby w Londynie. Bardzo wszystkim dziekujemy xxx
Dziekujemy kibicom Legii Warszawa na obczyznie !!
Dziekujemy Kochani za wasze serca!

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